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Live in Australia at your fingertips

Live in Australia at your fingertips

13 May 2020

*Live in Australia at your fingertips*

Kata siapa tinggal di Australia itu susah dan membingungkan? ▪️Mau kuliah di

Australia ▪️Mau kerja di Australia ▪️Mau bisnis di Australia ▪️Mau pindah ke


Ikutilah seminar online Australia pertama di Indonesia (via ZOOM) untuk

mendapatkan informasi terkini mengenai Australia di masa Covid-19 ini.

Rabu, 13 Mei 2020,

Jam 10.30 – 12.30 WIB


1. Konfir Kabo (Managing Partner of Kabo Lawyer, Australia) – How to obtain

Business Visa & Student Visa

2. Johan Setiawan (Director of Superstar Education, Australia) – How to

study in Australia

3. Marcell Irawan (Managing Director of Britton Real Estate, Australia) –

Rent vs Buy in Australia

4. Charlie Lim (Managing Director of RE/MAX One) – Easy steps to buy

property in Australia

5. Felicia Surya Wijaya (3rd year student of UNSW) – Student’s lifestyle

during Covid-19

Acara ini FREE dan akan diadakan dalam BAHASA INDONESIA. Segera REGISTRASI

di *https://rem.ax/SeminarAustralia*


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